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Our Services

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ABA is an evidence-based treatment for children and adolescents diagnosed with autism or exhibiting behavioral or social challenges. ABA targets a variety of important skills including language/communication, play skills, social interactions and replacing problem behavior with appropriate responses. Some examples of skills we target include:


Expressing needs/wants

Asking for help


Identifying and expressing feelings

Engaging in conversation

Responding to directions


Asking/answering questions

Play Skills:



Problem solving

Communicating during play

Using toys appropriately

Engaging in activities with multiple steps

Independent play

Engaging in a variety of appropriate leisure activities

Social Skills:

Responding to name when called

Engaging in activities with caregivers/siblings

Increasing conversational skills

Behavior Regulation:

Using words to communicate

Tolerating being told “no” or “wait”

Persevering when presented with less preferred tasks/activities

Cooperating with caregivers/siblings

Following directions

A variety of evidence-based methods may be used to support your child in acquiring the skills and goals valued by your family.  Some examples include:

Discrete Trial Training (DTT)

DTT breaks down skills into small components and reinforcement is provided after each step

Once a skill is learned, it is generalized to real-life situations

Natural Environment Teaching (NET)

Learning takes place at times/locations that are important to your child and your family

Playtime in the home

Peer groups

Community outings

The goal of NET is to make learning fun!

Parent Support

Collaboration between the caregivers, BCBA and ABA therapist is important to help your child succeed

The BCBA will provide strategies and support to help you learn ABA strategies and use them in the home

You will work with the BCBA to develop a plan that works for you and your family!

Contact Us

Ready to start services? Click on this link below and provide us your information and a Brighter Tomorrow representative will reach out to you shortly.